KOC Ahmadi Hospital

Detailed Engineering and Landscape Design

Kuwait Oil Company (KOC)


Detailed Engineering and Landscape Design


KD 77.0million


82,200 m2 floor area incorporating 300 beds, outpatient and support facilities and nurses accommodation


Completed 2016


Langdon Wilson International, USA

The New Ahmadi Hospital has been strategically located on the north side of the main Ahmadi Road, linking with the As-Saffar Motorway. It will operate as a full general hospital of 300 beds and will serve all KOC and oil sector families as well as the residents of Ahmadi. Following an international design competition in 1997, Langdon Wilson was selected as the preferred architect.

The unique Islamic geometric configuration of the design plays an important role in the function of the hospital. Not only does it aid in the overall spatial organisation, it also creates easy  orientation for the visitors to the facility; with a clear separation between the patient rooms and the diagnostic treatment areas. State-of-the-art building systems are provided to allow full control of the environmental systems.

In addition, exterior gardens and sheltered interior gardens are provided to give patients and visitors a calm, healing environment.

All architectural and conceptual engineering design work was carried out by Langdon Wilson International of USA, while Gulf Consult has been responsible for all detailed engineering and landscape design, cost control and tender documentation.